Movember! For the seventeenth year in a row, men are growing mustaches in November to make the public aware of the importance of prostate cancer prevention. Preventive examinations enable early detection of possible disease, which greatly increases the chance of a complete cure. With the onset of symptoms, the cancer has already advanced and that is why the emphasis is on prevention while there are no symptoms.

The most common malignancy in men

What is breast cancer in women, it is prostate cancer in men – the most common malignancy. However, if detected in time, prostate cancer is curable in 98% of cases. That is why the whole of November is marked as Movember – the month of the fight against prostate cancer.

Urologist examination

If there are no patients with prostate cancer in the family, after the age of 40, men are recommended a specialist examination by a urologist preventively once a year. In cases of frequent inflammation of the bladder or inflammation of the prostate, urological examination should be performed more often.

Determination of PSA in blood

PSA (prostate specific antigen) is a protein found in prostate cells. It can be detected in the blood of all adult men. PSA is used as a tumor marker in the screening and early detection of prostate cancer. PSA levels are increased in men with prostate cancer, but may also be increased in some other prostate diseases such as: benign hyperplasia, prostatitis, acute urinary retention, or after digitorectal examination.

Magnetic resonance imaging of the prostate

Currently, the most modern diagnostic method for prostate cancer is magnetic resonance imaging on a 3Tesle strength MR device. The examination is completely painless for the patient and without ionized radiation.

Better safe than sorry!

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