In the past few days, the Croatian metropolis once again lived in true fashion spirit. The Atelier The Future platform is responsible for the long-awaited return of Croatian and regional designers to the catwalks, and the first evening was marked by an independent fashion show of the celebrated tandem Tandarić Šekuljica, better known as ELFS. The combination of fashion, music, entertainment and more than 400 lovers of such events were the right recipe for an unforgettable fashion gathering in the Z center.

One of the indispensable partners of ELFS fashion shows is Podravka, which this time together with its brand Vegeta presented the Bio version of its famous spice. In step with the times, when more and more attention is paid to the quality of the foods we consume, Podravka has developed a new organic formula of its classic spice, and thus Vegeta Bio vegetable food supplement was created, made exclusively from biologically grown spices and vegetables. For the first time in its rich history, Podravka launched Vegeta with biologically grown vegetables and spices on the market, thus a completely healthy and vegan friendly addition to dishes.

“In recent years, we have directed our products towards what our consumers today expect and have made a departure from everything that is currently offered on the market. The ingredients in Vegeta BIO are produced in full compliance with all certificates, i.e. the requirements of European regulations related to organic products.” said Krunoslav Bešvir, director of Podravka’s culinary business program. Podravka also said that this product is intended for everyone who pays special attention to sustainability and loves and wants to enjoy quality meals, and it is also suitable for use in a plant-based diet, is vegan friendly and has an BIO certificate.


Today, Vegeta is sold on five continents in 50 countries. More than 90 percent of sales are made on foreign markets, and less than 10 percent in Croatia. In the category of universal food additives, Podravka currently holds 84 percent of the Croatian market.

Podravka calculated that as many as eight billion teaspoons of Vegeta are added to different dishes every year in the world. Their calculation is quite accurate: more than 25,000 tons of Vegeta are sold annually, and one teaspoon contains approximately three grams of Podravkin’s loose gold.

Vegeta began to be produced in 1959 and today it has become one of the biggest Croatian ambassadors in the world. On the other hand, it is Podravka’s most profitable product, which is most responsible for the strong growth and development of the company, but also of Koprivnica.


In their career, ELFS were also inspired by one of our longest-standing brands, Podravka, which will celebrate 76 years of business this year. They are particularly proud of the collaboration that came about by itself because, among other things, it proves that fashion and food are a combination that works really well, which they confirmed again with their partnership participation at the ELFS fashion show. Each guest of their last fashion show had the opportunity to take home new Vegeta Bio spices with which they will be delighted and continue to use them in creating their own healthy culinary delicacies.


Photo: Šimun Bućan, Danijel Galić



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